Belowground Detention

Belowground Detention


RainBasin™ Modular Underground Stormwater Detention System

Ideal for Low Impact Development

The RainBasin™ system can be integrated into LID and green infrastructure designs to manage stormwater in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

Heavy-Duty Traffic Load Rated

Enables ground use above the detention area and requires only 6″ of cover for heavy-duty traffic loading rating.

Large Storage in Small Footprint

Offers large storage capacity in a compact footprint and interior clearances from 4′ to 12′ inside.

Easy to Backfill

Compatibility with native soil backfill, eliminating the need for expensive aggregate backfill.

No Moving Parts

With no moving parts, maintaining the RainBasin™ system is quick and affordable, and it can be completed using a standard vacuum truck at street level.

Modular Design

The RainBasin™ system is made up of precast concrete modules that can be arranged in various configurations to fit the specific site conditions and storage requirements.


ParkUSA’s RainBasin™ is an advanced modular underground precast concrete vault system crafted for efficient stormwater detention. The structures can vary in size by connecting units and its flexible design makes it ideal for underground infiltration, water quality treatment, and water reuse applications.

The RainBasin™ has a compact footprint and is excellent for projects with limited space. The open interior features clearances from 4′ to 12′ for easy access, inspection, and maintenance. Engineered to withstand challenging conditions, our stormwater detention vaults are compatibility with native soil backfill and do not require expensive aggregate. They are heavy-duty traffic loading rating and require only 6″ of cover.

How It Works

The RainBasin™ system provides underground storage for stormwater runoff, managing peak flows, and preventing flooding. Stormwater runoff is collected from impervious surfaces like roofs, streets, and parking lots and directed into the RainBasin™ system through inlets, catch basins, or other stormwater conveyance methods. The retention system is made up of precast concrete modules that can be stacked or arranged in various configurations to fit the specific site conditions and storage requirements. This flexibility allows it to be customized for different projects and sizes.

When stormwater enters the underground retention system, it is temporarily stored, and depending on the system’s design and purpose, the water can be detained, retained, infiltrated, treated, or reused. In detention and retention applications, the stored water is gradually released at a controlled rate through an outlet.

The open interior allows for easy access and inspection, ensuring that it functions properly, and any maintenance can be performed efficiently.


About the Precast Vault Detention System

Model RB is a modular underground precast concrete vault system designed for efficient stormwater detention and consists of modular precast concrete vaults positioned together to create interior height clearances ranging from 4′ to 12′. The system is designed for direct burial and can include heavy-duty access covers, flow control weirs, and pump systems.

See it in Action


Stormwater Detention

Temporarily store excess stormwater runoff to control flooding and reduce the strain on existing stormwater infrastructure.

Stormwater Retention

Retain stormwater on-site for a specified duration, allowing for natural infiltration into the ground, evaporative processes, or reuse in irrigation and other non-potable applications.


Promotes the percolation of stormwater into the ground to recharge local aquifers and reduce runoff volumes.

Water Reuse

Stores stormwater for later use in irrigation, cooling systems, toilet flushing, or other non-potable applications.

Water Quality Treatment

Captures and treats runoff before water is discharged into downstream water bodies or infiltrated into the ground.

Urban and High-Density Areas

Designed for space-constrained urban environments where surface solutions may not be feasible or desirable.

Specs & Docs


RainBasin Detention System (Model 11950)

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