Diverter Systems

Diverter Systems


Reduce Utility Costs and Environmental Hazards by Automatically Routing Wastewater with Our Diversion Systems

Automatically Route Decontaminated Wastewater

Directly route potentially hazardous wastewater to the sanitary sewer system.

Environmental Protection and Compliance

Diversion systems promote environmental protection by preventing the release of contaminants into the sanitary sewer, safeguarding waterways from pollution.

Reduce Utility Costs

Diversion systems are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution that conserves water and reduces sewer fees.

Rule Out Human Error

Systems are automatically triggered with operation and rule out human error and potential delay of diverting wastewater.


In the not-too-distant past, wastewater was frequently released into stormwater systems and contributed to significant environmental damage to bodies of water as well as dependent aquatic animals and wildlife. Today, we understand the necessity and value of capturing and treating wastewater.

There are many types of automatic diversion systems incorporated into our products. Our systems have different types of activation triggers, but share the common functionality that, when triggered, diverts wastewater from entering a stormwater system, and in some cases, can store wastewater until proper disposal. Our diversion controls include:

Spill Diversion and Containment – This type of system effectively diverts, stores, and manages hazardous hydrocarbon or chemical wastewater and safeguards waterways from harmful pollutants. These systems feature diversion valves, tank level alerts, and alarm silencing functions.

Wash Water Runoff Diversion – This system manages wash water runoff from outdoor wash areas and operates by detecting pressure from a wand trigger-pull or faucet activation to divert wastewater and route it to the appropriate sewer systems.

Decontamination Rinse Diversion – Our decontamination wastewater diversion system automatically diverts, stores, and manages hazardous wastewater in industrial or medical applications.

AFFF Diversion and Containment – This system is automatically triggered by fire alarm activation and effectively diverts, stores, and manages hazardous AFFF wastewater generated from fire suppression systems at aviation facilities. It prevents the release of harmful PFAS into the environment, ensuring regulatory compliance and environmental protection.

How It Works

Our automatic diversion systems have different triggers to activate the systems. For spill diversion and containment, the system automatically detects and diverts hydrocarbon and chemical spills. It is triggered by sensors or a manual switch and sends a signal to the control panel. The control panel then signals the actuator diverter valve, which redirects all wastewater and spilled material to the spill containment tank. After the spill has been contained, the system can be reset to normal operation and discharges to the appropriate sewer system.

The wash water diverter is automatically triggered by the mechanical effort of ‘turning on’ a trigger-pull wash wand or faucet activation. When activated, the wash water is routed to the sanitary sewer, while rainwater is directed to the storm sewer. An optional first-flush feature operates by sensing rainwater runoff and automatically directing the first flush to the sanitary sewer.

Our AFFF wastewater diversion system is triggered by fire alarm activation, which sends a signal to the actuator diverter valve via the control panel, which redirects all wastewater and foam to the foam containment tank. After the foam release event, the system can be reset to normal operation and discharges to the sanitary sewer. Similarly, our decontamination rinse diversion is activated at use and if selected can divert all non-contaminated rinse water to the sanitary sewer. The system automatically resets to decon mode after 30 minutes of use.


About the Spill Diversion and Containment

Our spill diversion management system designed for safely handling, diverting, and storing hazardous wastewater spills. This system includes a NEMA 4X control panel with remote building automation for 24/7 system status monitoring. It is equipped with visual and audible alarms, strobes, an HOA valve position switch and indicators, a silence button, level, and leak detection sensors. Additionally, the system can incorporate an electrically actuated valve for wastewater lines ranging from 4” to 20”. 


Medical and pharmaceutical facilities

Divert hazardous wastewater and stormwater runoff to separate treatment or containment systems.

Aviation, and oil and gas facilities

Divert AFFF fire suppression wastewater, spills, and stormwater runoff to separate treatment or containment systems.

Dumpsters and compactor areas

Divert wash water, rainfall first flush, and stormwater runoff to separate treatment systems.

Car washes and fire stations

Divert wash water, rainfall first flush, and stormwater runoff to separate treatment systems.

Dog parks, kennels, and agriculture barns

Divert wash water, rainfall first flush, and stormwater runoff to separate treatment systems.

Parking lots, garages, and streets

Divert rainfall first flush and stormwater runoff to separate treatment systems.

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