Our system isolates fuel, hydrocarbons, and AFFF from the heliport drainage system and safely detains them for future removal.
Onsite removal of remove oil, fire suppression foam, and debris to reduce risk of potential fire hazards.
Separator System can tie into a rooftop or building stormwater drainage system.
A tank-mounted fuel-water interface sensor tied into a control panel notifies the operator when the fuel level reaches maximum capacity.
Compliant with UPC, IPC, and NFPA regulations for building code and environmental compliance.
Compact design for easy below-helipad installation and drainage from roof drains
Easy maintenance with remote maintenance alarm, saving money on equipment and labor costs.
The ParkUSA® HeliCepter® Fuel-Water Separator System is an innovative solution designed specifically for use on heliports. Designed for everyday use as well an in the unlikely event of a helicopter accident or fuel spillage, the separator can effectively isolate and retain flammable fuel and AFFF fire suppression foam from stormwater, ensuring maximum safety and environmental protection.
To support elevated heliports, our HeliCepter® Fuel-Water Separator System can tie into a rooftop or building stormwater drainage system. Fuel and AFFF entering the drainage system during everyday heliport use or in the case of a disastrous event such as crash or fire, can pose a significant environmental impact. Our Fuel-Water Separators range in size from 100 gallons to 2,000 gallons and remove oil, fire suppression foam, and debris to reduce risk of potential fire hazards on site as well as pretreat wastewater before it enters the public sewer system.
Heliport landing pad stormwater runoff usually contains fuel, oil, and sometimes fire suppression foam. The HeliCepter® Fuel-Water Separator intercepts fuel and hydrocarbons from the heliport drainage system and safely detains them for future removal.
As runoff flows from the landing pad into the separator’s inlet chamber, any present fuel slugs rise immediately to the surface. The remaining fuel-laden wastewater flows through patented coalescing media that progressively separates remaining hydrocarbon droplets and fine solids. All the separated hydrocarbons rise to the upper area of the separator and are securely detained. Downstream, a patented fuel-stop valve prevents the release of harmful fuels from exiting the separator. Hazardous fumes are vented from the separator and safely away from the building and the public sewer.
The system automatically notifies the operator of high levels of hydrocarbon which are removed by a qualified service company. An auxiliary storage tank can also be utilized to increase the storage capability of the separator system.
The ParkUSA HeliCepter® provides reliable and effective fuel and oil separation, ensuring that contaminants do not enter the stormwater drainage system or pose a fire hazard.
The HeliCepter® can be installed on rooftop or below grade on hospital, medical center, or agency building helipads.
Private helicopter transport utilizes a wide variety of helipads, from rooftop office buildings or hotels to private airstrips and residences, or shared public spaces.
Military buildings and structures are used for troop transport, reconnaissance, and other military operations.
Ideal for use on rooftop helipads and urban areas where space is limited and ground-level access is challenging.
Our fuel-water separator system can be installed on almost any helideck environment including a large ship or offshore drilling platform.
With over 35 years of experience, we offer proven water management innovation, technology, and service.
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