HVAC Vaults


Provide Easy Maintenance Access, Improved Security, and Protection from the Elements

Protect HVA Equipment

HVAC vaults ensure the safety and stability of the stored equipment and materials.

Dry Environment

Vaults offer environmental resistance, waterproofing, and optional sumps and sump pumps.

Long-Lasting Performance

Durable precast concrete construction for strength and long-lasting performance.

NEC/CEC Compliant

HVAC vaults meet the National Electric Code and ASHRAE standards.

Ease of Access

Organize HVAC equipment and minimize the risk of accidental damage.


ParkUSA HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) vaults are durable structures designed for housing underground HVAC infrastructure. These precast concrete vaults protect HVAC materials from environmental elements and unauthorized access. Vaults are customized to specific equipment dimensions, access requirements, and utility configurations.

HVAC vaults meet HS-20 traffic, seismic, and surface load requirements and are compliant with ASTM codes. ParkUSA’s HVAC vaults may incorporate leakproof pipe penetrations, pipe stands, Unistrut channels, hatches, ladders, fireproofing, ventilation systems, sump pumps, and waterproofing.

How It Works

Precast concrete underground HVAC vaults provide a secure and accessible enclosure for housing and protecting critical infrastructure components. The vaults are designed according to project specific requirements including equipment dimensions, utility configurations, and access points.

The vaults are manufactured in a controlled environment to ensure quality, durability, and consistency. Precast vaults provide resistance to environmental factors like water intrusion, corrosion, and temperature fluctuations, ensuring the integrity and longevity of the enclosed infrastructure components. Each vault is designed with secure access points, such as lockable hatches or doors, to allow for access, inspection, maintenance, or repair of equipment.



About the HVAC Precast Vault

ParkUSA CHV vaults are constructed of precast concrete and feature a cast iron or galvanized steel hatchway for safe and secure access. Accessories can include leakproof pipe penetrations, pipe stands, Unistrut channels, hatches, ladders, fireproofing, ventilation systems, sump pumps, and waterproofing.


Precast concrete HVAC vaults provide easy maintenance access, improved security, and protection from the elements.

Chilled Water Systems

Underground vaults can house components of a chilled water system, typically used for cooling purposes in a building or facility.

Heating Systems

Underground vaults can house components of heating systems like hot water pipes, steam pipes, valves, and controls, distributing heated water or steam to different areas of a building or facility.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Precast concrete vaults can be used to protect and provide easy access to ground source heat pump systems and their associated piping, which use the earth’s thermal energy to heat or cool a building.

Air Handling Units

Vaults can provide a secure and protected space for air handling units that regulate and circulate air.

Cooling Towers

Vaults can accommodate the infrastructure associated with cooling towers, such as piping, valves, and controls.

Pumps and Pump Stations

HVAC vaults can house pumps and pump stations used for circulating water.

Electrical Equipment

HVAC vaults can protect transformers, switchgear, and control panels.

Municipal Resources

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