Inlet Filters


FilterBasin™ Stormwater Inlet Filters for New and Existing Developments

Low-Impact Design

Inlet filters are a low-impact method for capturing pollutants and debris before they enter the catch basin and the stormwater systems.

No Moving Parts

With no moving parts, maintaining the system is quick and affordable, and it can be completed using a standard vacuum truck at street level.

For New or Retrofit Inlets

Provides stormwater filtration and treatment for new or retrofit inlets with a quick and efficient installation process.


ParkUSA’s Inlet Filter is a cost-effective and maintenance-friendly stormwater management component for new or existing developments. The FilterBasin™ is a stormwater inlet filter system that captures pollutants and debris before entering the stormwater system at a catch basin or curb inlet.

FilterBasin™ is considered a decentralized treatment solution that captures floating debris and prevents blockages in downstream stormwater conveyance systems. Based on Low Impact Development (LID), this approach helps to reduce the amount of pollution that enters waterways and minimize the risk of flooding. All configurations have a grate, filter, and chamber combination with overflow points that prevent inlet debris from causing bypass before the system reaches its capacity, and Model FBRG is specifically designed for use in urban curb-line applications where space is limited.

How It Works

The FilterBasin™ is a basin structure that comes equipped with a stainless-steel filter assembly installed just below the grate in a catch basin. This filter is designed to capture debris and sediment as sheet flow enters through a grate and subsequently conveys the filtered stormwater to a stormwater sewer system.

As stormwater runoff flows through the surface grating, debris larger than the grate openings is prevented from entering the basin. The flow then passes through a skimmer basket and encounters the hydrocarbon absorption boom. All oils are absorbed from the water before falling into the skimmer basket. All debris particles larger than the basket perforations will remain in the basket. The treated water proceeds into the catch basin and flows out through the basin’s discharge piping or opening.

The skimmer basket features overflow ports that enable bypass during extreme rain events. The collected debris dries after each storm event and can be removed for proper disposal. The skimmer basket can be easily removed using the grab handles on the basket.


About the Precast Concrete Catch Basin Control Filter

Model GIF is a stormwater point control filter system designed for pollutant capture in urban, industrial, and commercial settings. This model features a precast concrete catch basin structure with a traffic-rated cast iron surface grate, a corrosion-resistant stainless perforated steel skimmer basket, and a hydrophobic sock that repels water but absorbs oils and other pollutants. The system is designed for direct burial and easy access for cleaning and maintenance.


A cost-effective and user-friendly stormwater management technique that can be used in new and existing developments to reduce pollution and minimize the risk of flooding.

Commercial and Industrial Developments

Inlet basins are often installed in parking lots, loading docks, and other areas with high traffic to capture pollutants and debris.

Residential Developments

Inlet filters are a low-impact method for capturing pollutants and debris before they enter the catch basin and the stormwater systems.

Highways and Roadways

FilterBasin™ can be installed in catch basins along highways and roadways.

Municipal Stormwater Systems

Inlet filters can capture pollutants and debris from stormwater runoff in municipal systems.

Construction Sites

FilterBasin™ can capture pollutants and debris from stormwater runoff on construction sites.

Specs & Docs


Filter Basin – Rain Garden (Fiberglass, Model FBRG-36)

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