Trench Drains


Control Drainage and Prevent Flooding, Erosion, and Pooling in Commercial Operations and Outdoors Spaces with FlowTrench™

High Design and Usage Flexibility

Precast concrete trench drains can be used indoors or out and have interchangeable sections to offer flexibility. They include a bottom or side discharge design.


Precast trench drains are low maintenance and resistant to corrosion and degradation. Their smooth interior surface helps prevent blockages and promote efficient water flow.

Load Bearing

ParkUSA trench drains are rated for different use by load bearing capabilities, from light duty to road rated, to even heavy-duty airport rated.

Eco-friendly Material

Environmentally friendly material, often containing recycled aggregates.


Trench drain systems are a critical component of stormwater and wastewater management systems. They help to capture and store stormwater or wastewater runoff to prevent flooding and erosion. Trench drains collect water through a grate or inlet, store the water in an underground system, and then convey the water to a piping network for release into a nearby waterway.

The ParkUSA FlowTrench™ is a linear trench drain with a channel-like system that is installed below the surface grade. It intercepts and collects sheet flow, which is the thin, even layer of water that flows over a surface during a storm. They are typically used in applications where the flow of water needs to be controlled across a wide area, such as parking lots, roadways, and around buildings. Indoors, trench drains are used in large spaces, such as hangars, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and commercial buildings.

Trench drain systems can consist of a precast concrete, polymer, or steel-lined trench and is covered with a grating or cover designed to prevent debris and other materials from entering the system. ParkUSA FlowTrench™ systems are available in multiple configurations to fit each unique project, from grate and frame systems for field-constructed trench basins to complete systems with trench basins, frames, and grates. They are available in various load-bearing capacities and aesthetic treatments.

How It Works

The ParkUSA trench drain system consists of several components that work together to efficiently collect and convey surface runoff in stormwater or wastewater management systems.

The trench drain is installed in a location where it can capture stormwater or wastewater runoff. The trench is typically installed along a low point or in a swale where water flows naturally. Water flows into the trench drain through a grate or other type of inlet. The inlet is designed to prevent large debris and other materials from entering the trench. The trench drain is lined with a perforated pipe or channels that allow water to flow into the drain. As water enters the trench, it is collected and transported to a collection point, such as a sump or underground storage system.

If the trench drain is connected to an underground storage system, the water is stored until it can be released slowly into the stormwater or wastewater piping network or nearby waterway. This helps to prevent flooding and erosion caused by sudden, high-volume runoff. Once the water is collected and stored, it is conveyed to the stormwater or wastewater piping network through a series of pipes and/or culverts. The piping network is designed to transport the stormwater or wastewater runoff to a nearby waterway, such as a river, stream, or lake.


About the Heavy-Duty Trench Drain

The heavy-duty trench train, or Type A, is available in frame lengths of 24″, 36″ and 48″. It features a standard trench grate with al 23 7/8″ length with bolt down grating or covers. Trench frame ends are also available.


ParkUSA trench drain systems for stormwater and wastewater management can be used indoors or out and help capture and store runoff and prevent flooding and erosion.


Trench drains are often installed in hangar floors to collect and channel water runoff and fire suppression materials to maintain a safe and clean working environment and prevent damage to the aircraft.

Warehouses and Manufacturing Facilities

Trench drains can be installed in the middle of the floor or along the building perimeter to collect water runoff from rain, snow, or cleaning activities. They channel water to the main drainage system and help prevent slips, falls, and damage to goods and equipment.

Commercial Kitchens

Commonly used in commercial kitchens, trench drains collect and manage wastewater from sinks, dishwashers, and other equipment. This helps to prevent clogs, maintain sanitation, and comply with health and safety regulations.

Building Perimeters

Trench drains can be installed around the perimeter of a building to collect water runoff from the roof or surrounding area to prevent water seepage damage.

Parking Lots

Trench drains are commonly used in parking lots to collect and manage water runoff from rain or snow. They can be installed along the edges of the parking lot or in the middle to channel water to the main drain system.


Trench drains collect roadway water runoff to prevent flooding, reduce damage to the road surface, or lower risk of potential accidents.

Specs & Docs


Prefabricated Trench System (Model TG-1)


Prefabricated Trench System (Model TG-CB)

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